Angel Vazquez
Digital Media
Composite Photography
"Haunted Halls"
Invisiblity Composite
"Go supergirl!"
Levitation Composite
Conclusion Questions:
1. The process starts of composite photography starts with taking the pictures! For my levitation composite I first came up with an idea and scouted for locations. The idea was to mimick driving a car. I took two photos, one of just the background, and one with someone sitting on a stool in a driving position. To make sure the two photos were nearly identical, I used a tripod to minimize any slight movements. After, I hooped on to Photoshop on the Mac, and logged in. Since this project has the use of multiple images, I did not use "File > Open" but rather "File > Scripts > Load FIles into Stack." This essentially stacks the images on top of each other. I made sure the image with my model was on top, since my background image would be my background. Then I added a vector mask over the top layer to start my editing, non-destructively. While editing on the vector mask, I used the paint brush tool to paint black over the stool, which removes the stool from the top layer, allowing the bottom layer to appear. Once everything was good and ready to export, I saved as a jpeg, to share onto this website!
2. Layer masks are exactly what they sound like, a mask that is added onto a layer that allows you to edit that layer without making permanent changes. Unlike the eraser tool, you are not actually erasing, just making it look like it is, and does not make changes to layer itself. In the future, this can be very useful when it comes to removing unwanted objects that I have in the background.
3. This project was successful because I got the results I wanted! I followed the steps correctly with minimal error.
4. Based on the learning target, " Practice and demonstrate skills in the manipulation of digital imagery by using photoshop to create a composite image," I believe that I met this learning target. I did make some avoidable errors but I was able to negate those errors to effectively use the composites.